Press Release
Thanks to the renewed collaboration with University of Perugia the best 3 master’s degree thesis are going to be selected and awarded with a total amount of 4.500 Euros. Applications , available online, must be sent within the March 31.
Perugia, 31st March 2021: carry on to rewarding the most brilliant and innovative degree thesis, concerning informatics engineering and digital technologies, continuing in the pursuit of academic excellence and always looking at the future. With these aims, Pegaso 2000 and University of Perugia, which have already been partners for same years thanks to many collaborations, launch the second edition of “Pegaso 2000 Degree Prize ” for three student – graduate or graduand at the Umbrian University.
Pegaso 2000, a company with its own headquarter in Corciano (Perugia) and branches in Milan and Rome, is a leader in the Italian Information Technology market of Credit Finance, the Assisted Finance and Money Markets. It works for a culture attentive to the development of informatics systems and digital technologies, in collaboration with the academic environment and the Umbrian technological companies.
The call for participation is addressed to all the students who are going to finish their master’s degree course, dissertation included, within one of the final exam sessions of academic year 2019/2020. In order to take part in the selection, it is requires to fill the instance downloadable from the website (
The deadline for the admission request is on 31st May 2021.
“Renewing the collaboration with the Athenaeum of Perugia is always an important incentive for us – say Franco Cicogna, CEO of Pegaso 2000 -. For this reason we want to keep on assigning awards, also thanks to the success obtained by the previous edition. It’s always exciting to give our tribute to the human and professional growth of our students. And I reiterate: in our Region there are much companies that give inspiring work chances, as we do.”
The Commission composed by five experts (two of Pegaso 2000, and three Professors of the Athenaeum, related to the Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Engineering) is going to decide which are the three best thesis. The three winners are going to be awarded during a public ceremony: for the first winner, the award amounts is 2.000 Euros, for the second one 1.500 Euros and for the third one 1.000 Euros.
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Pubblicato il Bando per l’assegnazione di Premi di Laurea “Pegaso 2000”