Perugia, October 20th 2021 – Today, at the headquarter of Università degli Studi di Perugia, in “Sala Dessau”, in the presence of Pro Rector Fausto Elisei and of the CEO of “Pegaso 2000” Dr. Franco Cicogna was held the 2 nd edition of the Thesis Ceremony Award “Pegaso 2000”, intended for the three graduated students of computer engineering and digital technologies which best promoted the culture of computer systems and technological sciences through their Master’s degree theses: the three most brilliant and innovative ones would gain the prize.

“The 3rd mission is already consolidated in Universities, so it is really important to keep a close relationship with companies through the stages of training course planning, identification of projects to be developed and application of research results”- has underlined the Pro Rector Fausto Elisei – “I am grateful to Pegaso 2000 and to Dr. Cicogna for this collaboration that we are maintaining since about two years, in order to develop innovative technologies which are able to satisfy requirements of both Umbrian and National territory”.

Dott. Diego Russo, Dott. Marco Di Somma e Dott. Emanuele Bosimini won respectively 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize.


Watch the video of the cerimony

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